Superman-We all know who the hero Superman is. He can fly very fast, has super strength, and can speak all Earth languages. Superman was in an episode that showed his heroic quatlites. In the episode, "Worlds Finest", Batman and Superman must kill all of Luther's killer robots. Superman and Batman were not on good terms while this was going on, but when they realized the dangers, they came together and settles their differences. They continued on destroying the killer robots and then saved the city.
Father Wilmoth-Someone who is very close to me who I would call a hero is Father Wilmoth. Him and my family are very close, so he is basically a part of my family. He is more of a spiritual hero then anything. He is a very stong, passionate, and loving person. He has helped me a lot through life and is always there when i need someone. For this reason, I would consider him a hero. You can't find many people like Father and he will always be my hero.
Mother Teresa-I wish I could have known Mother Teresa. She was a very loving a caring person for the sick and poor. She did things many people looked down upon. They believed what she did was wrong. I think that is why she is a hero. Doing something totally different from what the people do is very courageous. Knowing Mother Teresa would truely change my life. I would want to be just like her, but not all things work that well. She is a hero to me and to many other people around the world, especially the ones she took good care of.