The short story "Red Ryder and The Hammond Kid" is similar to the film "A Christmas Story." Ralphie, a young boy growing up, dreams of owning a Red Ryder BB gun. He sets out to convine the whole world that this is the perfect gift. But along the way, he runs into some opposition from his parents, his teacher, and even Santa Claus. All of his attempts of telling what he wants gets the same response of, "You'll shoot your eye out, kid." Ralphie is angry enough to where he beats up the town bully. He knows he will never get the BB gun for Christmas now, but when Ralphie opens his presents on Christmas morning receives the gun. And everyone was right, he shot his eye out.
The film is also indirect characterization. In the story we are able to hear Ralphie's thoughts and feeling, but the film we are able to see how he presents himself. In any film you are able to see how the characters react and their physical presence. This enables the reader to be involved in the story. Ralphie is telling the story and he tell us how he doesnt understand why the BB gun is not suitable for children. Everyone is telling him no and we do not see his mental emotions come out right away, but sidenoting how he really feels allows the audience to get the feel of the story.
Point of View
The film is manily told in first person. Ralphie is giving us his thoughts and feelings through out the film. The reader is then able to understand Ralhie's true feelings toward him wanting the Red Ryder BB gun. It is clear through the film that it suits all ages. Ralphie talks in a more adult manor, but he is also a child who desperatly wants a certain Christmas present. The adult dialogue is not to the point of profanity, so the child humor plays a big role in the film.
The film is set in Hammond, Indiana in the 1040's. The setting bounces around the town. When Ralphie first asks for the BB gun, he is at home with his parents and little brother. Then at school, the class was asked to write a paper about what they want for Christmas. After being told he will shoot his eye out, he tries once more at the mall. He waits in line to see Santa Clause thinking he would unserstand, but Santa said the same thing.
The theme for the film is to just be happy with what you receive. Ralphie goes a little overboard with wanting the BB gun. He should ask for it and leave it at that. To take your anger out on someone else and to beg that much, most people would call you a brat. There are a lot of people in this world that cannot afford anything, so we should be thankful with what we have and move on with our lives. When you are a child, be one.
the significance/relevance of the details pointed out aren't explained/analyzed